by Shona Milne on December 11, 2009
A more sedate day on Sunday for St. Nick’s Weekend. It was also a bit warmer on Sunday so it was easier to be outside. I took a couple of friends over to NW Totem Cellars, Ross Andrew, and J. Bookwalter. We also stopped in at Mark Ryan as there was some space to squeeze […]
by Shona Milne on December 9, 2009
I knew from the moment that I slid into Columbia Winery’s parking lot on early Saturday morning that it would be an interesting weekend. I handed out glasses and tickets to St. Nick’s Open House Weekend before the event and headed out late Saturday morning for some power tasting. It was a cold, frosty, and […]
by Shona Milne on November 10, 2009
We have less than a week before St. Nick Weekend is upon us. There are still Saturday/Sunday and Sunday only tickets available; $50 and $35 respectively. JM Cellars and Mark Ryan are participating this year. You can get your tickets at Woodinville Wine Country. Next booklet and glass pickup is on December 4th at Columbia Winery from […]
by Shona Milne on October 15, 2009
Last Saturday was another beautiful day to be working with grapes. I spent most of my day hand sorting out leaves, spiders, mold, and bugs from the Cabernet Franc grapes at NW Totem Cellars. After the sorting the grapes they run they through a destemmer to remove the stems and anything we missed. We sorted through 2.6 tons […]
by Shona Milne on August 28, 2009
My friend Maureen and I have been doing a Favorite Summer Sipper contest throughout the summer on Wednesdays through Twitter. We decided that we need to wrap it up as the end of August was fast approaching. We headed back out to Fortunato’s, which has been our spot of choice for tastings recently. We had […]
by Shona Milne on August 18, 2009
Greg Lill certainly picked a good day for his big birthday. What a party! The sun was out when I arrived at Chateau Ste. Michelle for the Auction of Washington Wines Picnic to benefit Children’s Hospital and then the weather changed. The dark clouds rolled in and it started to sprinkle and people mostly seemed undisturbed. It […]
by Shona Milne on August 5, 2009
It seems that Twitter is catching on with some of the Woodinville wineries. So far I follow: @RedSkyWinery, @MatthewsEstate, @CuillinHills, @challengerridge, @grapegeek (Hollywood Hill Vineyards), @NWTotemCellars, @DesVoigne, @briancarterwine, @CovingtonWine, @ancwine, @ColumbiaWinery, @owineslady, and @JBookwalterWine. If I am missing somebody please let me know. You can follow me @Shona425 on Twitter. Tweet This Post
by Shona Milne on June 20, 2009
Woodinville Wine County has a new event this summer. Wine Notes will take place at Columbia Winery on July 15th from 5-8pm. Tickets go on sale on Monday, June 22nd for $30 online and $40 at the door. About 20 wineries are participating and there will be music and hors d’oeuvres. Tweet This Post
by Shona Milne on June 17, 2009
I attended the Seattle Wine Awards on Sunday at the Rainier Club. It was quite a nice spot to honor all of our fabulous Washington wines. I was invited as press to blog and Twitter live during the event. It was the first time that this was set up for the Seattle Wine Awards. My fellow […]
by Shona Milne on May 7, 2009
I attended the 11th Homeward Pet Benefit Auction & Dinner on Saturday night at the Seattle Marriott Waterfront. It looked like there was a very good turnout. There were a number of items representing our local winemakers & brewmaster: DiStefano, Woodhouse Family Cellars, Columbia Winery, Redhook Brewery, Covington Cellars, Edmonds Winery, J. Bookwalter, Betz, DeLille Cellars, […]