Julie and Julia: Sneak Preview & Party
by Shona Milne on July 27, 2009

I was one of the lucky attendees on Thursday night to view the
Julie and Julia movie. It was through
Chat With Women that I got an invitation to attend a sneak preview party at Maggianos and then onto Lincoln Center Cinemas. Maggiano’s fed us well and part of the fun was a live demonstration of Julia Child’s Beef Bourguignonne. It was delicious but I would add more red wine. The movie was great and it opens August 7th. Imagine a movie focusing on food and wine. Bon Appetite.

Connie, Shona, Kathy, Missy, & Christine
{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }
CHRISTINE 07.29.09 at 2:15 pm
Dear Shona-
Thank You for posting our lovely group photo to your site!
It was a distinct pleasure to enjoy the conversation
generated. We’re looking forward to the next opportunity
to contribute energy and learn more about wine pairings!
Shona Milne 07.29.09 at 5:56 pm
I had a great time at the Julie and Julia movie. It was wonderful to meet you and Connie. I sent the picture over to Kathy at O Wines, she wanted to put it on the O Wines site. Missy and I are working on the J&J cooking class and will let you know when we “cook something up”. Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Connie Dee 07.31.09 at 4:08 pm
Shona, you need not apologize for any pun. Christine has hung around me long enough to be totally deluged with them. After all, as I told Missy when we met, I am Sue Chef to Christine’s Julia Child! Anyway, I, too, enjoyed the party and movie, as well as meeting all of you nice women. I look forward to doing it again soon. BTW, did I hear the words “cooking” and “class”? Two of my favorite words; no matter what order they come (or separately, for that matter).
Connie Dee, aka Sue Chef
Shona Milne 08.01.09 at 10:34 am
No date has been set for the Julie & Julia cooking class by Missy. I will post it as soon as we set the date. Dust off your aprons!
Nan 08.02.09 at 4:03 pm
I’m SO jealous you got to see the movie already! So unfair! I’m waiting patiently (not) until Friday…I’ve invited 12 friends over for lunch where we’ll feast on Julia’s recipes, and then go see the movie…I’m so glad you said it was great!
Shona Milne 08.03.09 at 1:56 pm
I really did enjoy the movie. I will probably go and see it again next week. Look for me to post about some upcoming Julie & Julia themed cooking classes that will probably be held in September. Julia also loved wine with her food! I think you have a great idea for the lunch feast and then go to the movie. That way you won’t be starving by the end after seeing all that wonderful food.