I was invited to play in Tangerine Travel’s 2009 Golf Tournament but as there are lots of cobwebs attached to my clubs I just attended as a guest for the cocktail reception, awards banquet and the silent auction. The tournament was at Tumble Creek Golf Club at Suncadia
by Cle Elum. This event benefits Children’s Hospital and the proceeds support uncompensated care – which ensures that every child is cared for regardless of a family’s ability to pay.
There was a silent auction before we went into dinner. After dinner there was a live auction which had some interesting items. One was a trip to Italy on Lufthansa with a tour of the Maserati factory and another item was a vacation at Las Ventanas in Cabo with air on Alaska Airlines. The auctioneer was Patty Payne from the Puget Sound Business Journal. Virgin Australia, PostNet, Maxsam Partners and Groupdyne were also among the sponsors of the event. Look for the 2nd annual Tangerine Travel Golf Tournament next year as this inaugural event was a huge success.

Picture by Brian Bainto
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