Columbia Winery: Ribbon Cutting & Re-Opening

by Shona Milne on June 29, 2009

ribbonColumbia Winery had their Grand Re-Opening after their big re-model project. It was well attending on Friday afternoon for the ribbon cutting ceremony as everyone has been anxious to see the final results. The ballroom has warm earth tones that will go with any robin-and-the-girls1bride’s colors or just for a corporate event. The food and the wines were wonderful and there was a chocolate fountain which filled the air with a beckoning aroma. The tasting room bar fountain1has diminished in size but there is a free standing fireplace with comfy chairs where you can get a glass of wine and get on Wi-Fi. The pizza oven and patio area are not quite finished but I did hear that a few test pizzas have been cooked. 010

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