2009 Washington Wine Highway Cancelled

by Shona Milne on October 29, 2008

The Washington Wine Highway for 2009 has been cancelled. Due to the current economic climate it was decided to not hold the event next year. The Wine Highway is usually held over Memorial Day weekend on the grounds of Chateau Ste. Michelle. It is hoped that the economy will improve and the Wine Highway will be held in 2010.

{ 6 comments… read them below or add one }

Sheila Kowalski 04.05.09 at 10:18 pm

Sad but understandable. Look forward to being there in 2010!

Shona Milne 04.07.09 at 8:28 am

I am very dissapointed myself. I know the Woodinville Chamber hopes to come back with the Wine Highway for 2010.

Bob Stevens 04.16.09 at 11:16 am

Very disappointed to hear. This is a very well organized event that probides a wonderful experience in a beautiful setting. Looking forward to 2010. Thank you!

eva k 04.20.09 at 12:06 pm

I am both shocked and sickened by the cancellation of the 2009 event. Using the current economic situation as an excuse to cancel the event is an absolute joke. Let’s face it folks, tickets to the event are only $75…now who do you know that will not be spending that much, at the very least, over the course of a holiday weekend. Furthermore, participating in this event would inevitably lead to a much needed boost in business for the small wineries that are discovered during this event each year.

It is just so very sad that people are subscribing to the media’s mind-numbing, over-coverage of the economy’s current situation. What we all need to do is just turn the TV off and start doing the things that make us happy, regardless of what your favorite news personality suggests you do. So wake up people, cancelling the Wine Highway event or any other event this year is not going to make this world a better or more financially stable place, it is simply going to make people even more depressed than they already are.

Sad, this is just all very sad.

Shona Milne 04.23.09 at 4:50 pm

There is quite a bit more to putting on the Washington Wine Highway than getting ticket sales. It’s a very expensive event to produce and with sponsorships at an all time low it’s hard to move forward without monetary backing.

Dave O 05.08.09 at 3:55 pm

Incredibly disappointed, somewhat agree with eva, but I appreciate the advanced notice.

So, SasQuatch Festival …Here I come!

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